ArrayStar Scripting Manual


Adds one or more specified columns to the table.
    name: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the name column(s) to be affected.
    annotation: <text> (multiple) 0 the name(s) of the annotation column(s) to be affected.
    expInfoSet: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the expInfoSet column(s) to be affected.
    expSignalSet: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the expSignalSet column(s) to be affected.
    isPrimarySignal: true or false - the primary expSignalSet column to be affected.
    scale: one of Linear, Log2, Log10, MaxValue - the DataPointScale of the primary signal column to be affected.
    experiment: <text> (multiple) - the experiment name(s) for which to affect the specified column(s).
    experimentRegex: <text> - an experiment regex to find the experiments for which to affect the specified column(s).
    table: one of Gene, IPFragment, IPPeak, SNP, ExperimentAttribute, Exon, Isoform, MaxValue - the data type of the gene table for which columns will be affected.
Gets application information.
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the information (if not provided or empty, the message is displayed instead).
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Closes an open view.
    viewNumber: <num> - the number of the open view of the same type, if more than one is open.
    viewType: <text> - the name of the type of view to open.
Creates a new experiment category.
    name: <text> - the name of the new category to create.
    userNotes: <text> - the user notes of the new category to create.
    experiment: <text> (multiple) - the names of any experiments which should be placed in the category.
    experimentRegex: <text> - a regex to find the names of any experiments which should be placed in the category.
    experimentType: <text> - the type of experiments which should be placed in the category.
Deletes a saved set from the project.
set: <text> - the name of the set to delete.
Records in a human-readable format.
    file: <text> - SNP file path.
    dumpFile: <text> - dump (output) text file path.
    startPosition: <num> - start position of the range from which SNPs should be dumped.
    endPosition: <num> - end position of the range from which SNPs should be dumped.
    appendToFile: true or false - if true, append to the file given; if false, overwrite it.
Duplicates an open view.
    viewNumber: <num> - the number of the open view of the same type, if more than one is open.
    viewType: <text> - the name of the type of view to open.
Exports the specified data points. 
    exportSpace: one of All, Selection, Set - the scope of the export to be executed, can specifiy All or Set.
    setname: <text> - the name of the gene set to be used by the export.
    file: <text> - the name of the file to be used as output by the export. 
    table: one of Gene, IPFragment, IPPeak, SNP, ExperimentAttribute, Exon, Isoform, MaxValue - the data type of the gene table for which columns will be affected.
Exports the statistical output in a text report.
    viewNumber: <num> - the number of the open view of the same type, if more than one is open.
    file: <text> - the file name/path to which to export (will be overwritten).
    format: <value> - the number of the open view of the same type, if more than one is open.
Imports annotations into the project.
    file: <text> - the path to the file to import.
    useCustom: true or false.
    forceCustom: true or false.
    delimiter: one of Tab, Comma, Semicolon, Space.
    commentChars: <text>.
    skipLines: <num>.
    noHeaderLine: true or false.
    colNum: <num> (multiple).
    colType: <value>.
Loads a project file into ArrayStar. 
file: <text> - file path.
Shows a simple message to the user.
    showDateTime: true or false - show the date and time.
    caption: <text> - a caption to display with the message (ignored if writing to a file).
    message: <text> - the text to display to the user or write to a file.
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the message (if not provided or empty, the message is displayed instead).
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Open the advanced filtering window.
selected: true or false – specifies whether the filtering window should start as 'filter selected'.
Opens a new view.
viewType: <text> - the name of the type of view to open.
Prints statistical summary information about project data points.
    caption: <text> - a caption to display with the message (ignored if writing to a file).
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the summary (if not provided or empty, the message is displayed instead).
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Prints summary information about project experiments.
    caption: <text> - a caption to display with the message (ignored if writing to a file).
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the summary (if not provided or empty, the message is displayed instead).
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Prints information about a saved set of data points.
    set: <text> - the name of the set.
    caption: <text> - a caption to display with the message (ignored if writing to a file).
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the summary (if not provided or empty, the message is displayed instead).
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Logs information about the performance of SNP preprocessing.
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the performance information (if not provided or empty, this is displayed instead).
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Displays the data points by the specified quick filter.
    filter: one of None, All, Selected, CurrSet, Set, CustomSNPs, UserSNP, CodingSNP, NonsynonSNP, NonsenseSNP - the filter type used to specify the datapoints to be displayed.
    setname: <text> - the name of the gene set to be used by the quick filter.
    table: one of Gene, IPFragment, IPPeak, SNP, ExperimentAttribute, Exon, Isoform, MaxValue - the data type of the gene table for which columns will be affected.
Quits running the script.
Quits the program running the script.
forceImmediateQuit: true or false - if true, attempts to force the program to quit without saving anything (the project, preferences, etc.).
Reads an elapsed time (i.e. wall clock) timer.
    name: <text> - the name of the timer to use, or if left empty, the default timer.
    message: <text> - a message to display or write with the timer.
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the timer information (if not provided or empty, this is displayed instead).
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Removes one or more specified columns from the table.
    name: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the name column(s) to be affected.
    annotation: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the annotation column(s) to be affected.
    expInfoSet: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the expInfoSet column(s) to be affected.
    expSignalSet: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the expSignalSet column(s) to be affected.
    isPrimarySignal: true or false – specifies whether the primary expSignalSet column should be affected.
    scale: one of Linear, Log2, Log10, MaxValue - the DataPointScale of the primary signal column to be affected.
    experiment: <text> (multiple) - the experiment name(s) for which to affect the specified column(s).
    experimentRegex: <text> - an experiment regex to find the experiments for which to affect the specified column(s).
    table: one of Gene, IPFragment, IPPeak, SNP, ExperimentAttribute, Exon, Isoform, MaxValue - the data type of the gene table for which columns will be affected.
Creates a report table of set cross-intersections.
    rowSets: <text> (multiple) - the sets which make up the rows (prepend with \\ or two backslashes to complement a set).
    columnSets: <text> (multiple) - the sets which make up the columns (prepend with \\ or two backslashes to complement a set).
    file: <text> - the path of a file to which to write the table.
    overwriteFile: true or false - if a file is provided, specifies whether it should be overwritten (if false, the file is appended to).
Runs another script nested within this one, optionally repeated over a table of substitution variable values.
    inline: <text> (multiple) - inline script command(s) to run first.
    script: <text> - script file to run.
    vars: <text> - comma-separated variable names to use with 'table' or 'values' substitution.
    values: <text> (multiple) - comma-separated set(s) of inline values to substitute for the variables in 'vars' (analogous to normal line(s) in 'table').
    table: <text> - tab-delimited table file over which to repeat the script commands (first line is a set of substitution variable names if 'vars' is not set, other lines are sets of variable values to iterate over).
Saves a project file from ArrayStar.
file: <text> - file path.
Selects the specified data points.
    selectionSpace: one of All, Set - the scope of the selection to be executed, can specify All or Set.
    setname: <text> - the name of the gene set to be used by the selection.
    table: one of Gene, IPFragment, IPPeak, SNP, ExperimentAttribute, Exon, Isoform, MaxValue - the data type of the gene table for which columns will be affected.
set $name
Sets a substitution variable to the given value. It can then be used as $name or ${name} in other script values.
Creates a set which is the complement of another set.
    name: <text> - the name of the new set to create.
    set: <text> - the name of the set to complement.
Sets which view is the current one.
    viewNumber: <num> - the number of the open view of the same type, if more than one is open.
    viewType: <text> - the name of the type of view to open.
Creates a set which is the intersection of two or more sets.
    name: <text> - the name of the new set to create.
    sets: <text> (multiple) - the names of the sets from which the intersection will be created (prepend with \\ or two backslashes to complement a set).
Sets preprocessing options for SNPs.
    QuantificationMethod: one of Counts, Weights
    MinPnotref: <num>
    MinSNPPct: <num>
    MinDepth: <num>
    SNPRegionFilter: one of AllSNPs, GeneRegions, RNAs, NonCodingRNAs, CodingAndSplice, Intergenic, TargetedCaptureRegions
    SNPTypeFilter: one of AnyChange, AnyNonSynonymousChange
    MinNumExperimentsMatching: <num>
    IgnoreMinNumExpsNonSynonymous: true or false
    IgnoreMinNumExpsGeneDisrupting: true or false
    ImportAnnoDB: true or false
    AnnoDBUsername: <text>
    AnnoDBPassword: <text>
    AnnoDBDataSet: <text>
    AnnoDBServerURL: <text>
    ImportAnnoDBVariantsOnly: true or false
    ImportAnnoDBNonSynonymousOnly: true or false
    IncludeDBSNPData: true or false
    IncludeUserSNPData: true or false
    ForceIncludeAllSNPData: true or false
    ForceIncludeAllUserSNPData: true or false
    LimitToUserSNPData: true or false
Creates a set which is the union of two or more sets.
    name: <text> - the name of the new set to create.
    sets: <text> (multiple) - the names of the sets from which the union will be created (prepend with \\ or two backslashes to complement a set).
Sorts the table by the specified column.
    descending true or false - specifies whether the sort order for the specified column is descending.
    name: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the name column(s) to be affected.
    annotation: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the annotation column(s) to be affected.
    expInfoSet: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the expInfoSet column(s) to be affected.
    expSignalSet: <text> (multiple) - the name(s) of the expSignalSet column(s) to be affected.
    isPrimarySignal: true or false – specifies whether the primary expSignalSet column is affected.
    scale: one of Linear, Log2, Log10, MaxValue - the DataPointScale of the primary signal column to be affected.
    experiment: <text> (multiple) - the experiment name(s) for which to affect the specified column(s).
    experimentRegex: <text> - an experiment regex to find the experiments for which to affect the specified column(s).
    table: one of Gene, IPFragment, IPPeak, SNP, ExperimentAttribute, Exon, Isoform, MaxValue - the data type of the gene table for which columns will be affected.
Starts a new project.
    workflow: one of Empty, Microarray, RNASeq, SNP, ChIPSeq, CNV, miRNA – the workflow to start in the new project.
    loadFile: <text> (multiple) - import one or more files into the new project.
    addToCurrent: true or false – specifies whether the new data (if any) should be added to the current project.
Starts an elapsed time (i.e. wall clock) timer.
name: <text> - the name of the timer to use, or if left empty, the default timer.
Runs Cross-R.