Selections can be made from various views, panels and panel sections. Selections are synchronized between all views.

To Select… Location Method
A residue Structure View Double-click on one of the atoms within the desired residue. Double-click on the background to de-select.
Sequence view Click on the residue. To move between residues, use the keyboard arrow keys.
Analysis view Click on the vertical space that aligns with the residue. (Do not click directly on a decision region.)
Contiguous residues Sequence view Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse or use Shift+click.
Analysis view Click on the vertical space that aligns with a residue. Use Shift+click to select contiguous residues.
Non-contiguous residues Structure view Use Ctrl+double-click (Win) or Cmd+double-click (Mac).
Sequence view Use Ctrl+click (Win) or Cmd+click (Mac).
Analysis view Click on the vertical space that aligns with a residue. Use Ctrl+click (Win) or Cmd+click (Mac) to select additional, non-contiguous residues.
All residues in a binding site Sequence view Click on a site label or hub. To group or ungroup residues, use the Residue Grouping menu in the Sequence section.
Both members of a disulfide bond Sequence view Click on a yellow sphere associated with a disulfide bond.
A chain Sequence view Double-click on the chain.
Molecules section Click on the name of the chain. It is possible to select hidden (unchecked) chains.
A ligand Sequence view Click on the ligand.
Structure view Double-click on an atom of the ligand.
Contiguous structural elements Molecules section Shift+click on the names of the structural elements.
Non-contiguous chains Molecules section Ctrl+click (Win) or Cmd+click (Mac) on the chain name.
Non-contiguous ligands Structure view Crtl+double-click (Win) or Cmd+double-click (Mac) on each part of the ligand.
A feature Sequence view Click on the corresponding feature icon to select a helix, sheet, site or disulfide.
Features section Click on the name of the feature. It is possible to select features that are hidden (unchecked).
Contiguous features Features section Shift+click on the names of the features.
Non-contiguous features Sequence view Ctrl+click (Win) or Cmd+click (Mac) on the corresponding feature icons to select helices, sheets, sites or disulfides.
Features section Ctrl+click (Win) or Cmd+click (Mac) on the names of the features.
A region of a decision plot Analysis view Click on a region to select it. Shift+click, Ctrl+click (Win) or Cmd+click (Mac) to select multiple regions.
A single synopsis or an individual channel (row) Analysis view Double-click on the synopsis or channel.
  • If a single item (chain, ligand or solvent) is selected, the Sequence view will scroll to the beginning of the chain or the ligand row where the ligand is displayed.
  • If multiple items are selected, the Sequence view will jump to the beginning of the first item selected. This is true even if the selected item is hidden in the Sequence View. In that case, the sequence will scroll to the position where the selected item would be displayed if not hidden.

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