To monitor the progress of a Cloud Assembly:

Once you press the Start Assembly button in the SeqMan NGen wizard, the assembly begins. The Cloud Assembly tutorials in this User Guide each take 30 minutes to several hours to complete. You can monitor the progress using either of two methods:

  • From the wizard: – After pressing Start Assembly, wait for the Next button to become active. Press Next to go to the Cloud Assemblies page, where you can monitor the progress of the assembly.

    Close the wizard at any time by pressing Finish. After pressing Finish, you will need to use the other monitoring method (next bullet point) if you wish to continue monitoring the assembly.

  • From the DNASTAR website:Open the Web Monitor, entering your DNASTAR login credentials if prompted to do so. See the “Web Monitor help“!Documents/usethewebmonitor.htm to learn about features in this browser window.

Once an assembly is Done, you can download the assembly results for analysis with SeqMan Pro, ArrayStar, GenVision Pro, etc.

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