Locating Missing Files

Some Affymetrix .chp and .cel files require additional files for successful importing into ArrayStar. When loading such a file, ArrayStar will try to locate the missing file automatically. If the required file is not found, the following window will appear:



The required missing files are listed in the window. If you have a needed file saved locally, click the Browse for file(s) button and then locate the file.


If you do not already have the needed file saved locally, you may choose to download it from the NetAffx™ Analysis Center on the Affymetrix website. To do this, enter your Affymetrix.com login and password, and then click Download. The missing file(s) will automatically be downloaded, allowing your files to finish loading in the Project Setup Wizard.


If you do not have an Affymetrix.com login and password, you can obtain one by going to www.affymetrix.com and clicking the ‘register’ link at the top of the page.