Saving Transcript Subsets to Use in SeqMan NGen

Either table in the All Transcripts window

can be used to create subsets of the assembled transcripts for a SeqMan NGen project. For example, you may wish to further analyze a subset of transcripts that met especially stringent thresholds (e.g. higher percent identity to known genes).


Within SeqMan Pro’s Transcript Table


1)  Sort the table on one or more columns with the View > Sort option.


2)  Select the transcripts of interest using Shift+click.


3)  Choose File > Save Selected Transcripts. The resulting dialog prompts you to designate a name and location for the multi-sequence .fasta file. A .searchresults file containing the selected subset of the table will also be created in the same location.


Within SeqMan NGen


In the Input Template Files screen, specify the .fas file. SeqMan NGen will automatically find the .searchresults with the same name in the same folder.


Note: If the .fas file is moved to a new location, you will also need to move .searchresults to the same location.