Fisher's Exact Test Signal/SNP Search

Use Statistics > Fisher's Exact Test Signal Search or Statistics > Fisher's Exact Test SNP Search to judge the statistical significance of signal data or SNPs, respectively. The former calculation is available for all projects and is performed at the level of the gene. The latter is available only for the Variants workflow and is performed at the SNP level.


Fisher's Exact Test is useful when, for example, comparing a disease group to a control group, or when comparing sets of genes with and without nonsense mutations.


Selecting Fisher's Exact Test from the Statistics menu will launch the Statistics Parameters dialog where you can define the data to be included in the analysis, as well as the Multiple Testing Correction adjustment to be used.


The results of the test are displayed as a P value column in the Gene Table. Mouse over a P value to view a tool tip displaying the match counts and raw match tables for the test. This information allows you to quickly ascertain which groups match or do not match the criteria you set for the test:



Right-click on the P value column header to add columns for Match counts and/or Raw match tables.


Note 1: If a Variants project has been filtered to include only intergenic regions, Fisher's Exact Test Signal Search will be disabled, since there are no genes in the project.


Note 2: Regardless of project type, Fisher's Exact Test Signal Search is not available for experiments grouped as replicate sets. It is possible to enable the test by creating a category and then moving the replicate sets to the category. At least one of the categories must contain at least two experiments or replicate sets.