Gene Table

The Gene Table shows detailed information about the genes in your project and is available for all workflows.



By default, all of the data in your project defined as “Gene IDs” will be displayed each time you open a new Gene Table. The Gene Table may be used to show all of the genes in your project, or only the currently selected genes. Various fields, including a variety of gene name and annotation fields, notes, signals, fold differences, and resulting values of selected statistical methods can be displayed in the Gene Table.


Note: Depending on your selections for Minimum SNP % and Minimum P not ref, there is a slight possibility of a "rounding error" occurring, in which the Gene Table may report one thing (e.g., an experiment has no Nonsense genes) whereas the SNP Table for that gene shows contradictory information (e.g., the experiment has a Nonsense gene).


To display statistics columns in the Gene Table, use the commands in the Statistics menu (see ArrayStar Menu Commands, Statistics section). If a statistical calculation does not yield a valid result, a dash will be displayed in place of a numerical value.


For more information, see the following help topics:


      The availability of tables in different workflows.

      Descriptions of columns that can be added to the tables.

      How to add/sort/remove columns.

      How to use the table tools (icons).