Using the Quick Search Tool

The Quick Search Tool is located in the top right corner of each view.


quick search


Search for genes or SNPs by typing any text in the search field, then click magnifying_glass_icon or press Enter. When the search is complete, any genes that were found will be automatically selected in all views.


If desired, save this selection as a gene/SNP set by selecting Data > Remember Selected [Genes, SNPs, Table Rows, etc.].


By default, the text fields of all genes/SNPs will be searched, including gene names, all annotations, and user notes.


You may further refine your search by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the magnifying glass. This presents a menu with the following options:




Advanced Filtering

Opens the Advanced Filtering dialog pre-filled with the current search criteria.

All Genes

Specifies that all genes will be searched.

All Genes Shown

Specifies that all genes displayed in the current view will be searched.

Selected Genes

Specifies that only the currently selected genes will be searched.

Gene or SNP Sets

Any gene or SNP sets you have created will be listed in this menu and available for you to select. Selecting a gene (or SNP) set specifies that only the genes (or SNPs) within the chosen gene (or SNP) set will be searched.

Ontology Term Names

This option is only available from the Gene Ontology view. When selected, the Quick Search Tool will search all ontology terms for the text you entered. Note that when this option is selected, the search results will be ontology terms, not genes.


The Quick Search Tool does not search for genes in the views listed below. Instead, it searches for information more applicable to the view:



Field Searched

Experiment List

Text fields, including names, notes, and attributes for all of the experiments in the list.

Set List

The names and notes fields for all the sets in the list.

Clustering Result List

The names and notes fields for all of the clustering results in the list.