Displaying the Pair Consistency Graph

The Pair Consistency graph displays a summary of either split reads (for non-paired data) or good versus bad paired end sequence data content (for paired reads). This graph is a standard part of the Strategy View header for most assembly projects.


Note: The graph is not shown automatically if you performed an RNA-Seq assembly in SeqMan NGen after first checking Stranded RNA-seq reads in the Input Sequence Files screen; or if you manually edited the SeqMan NGen script and added the text stranded:true as a parameter after assemblyInfo. In this case, you need to use a togglable tool in the Strategy View to specify that the graph be displayed.


      Displays a graph showing stranded coverage, specific to RNA-Seq assembly projects. See Stranded Coverage for details.


      () Displays the pair consistency graph.


Once the graph is displayed, hover over it to show a tooltip with a color legend.



      Green bars, located above the baseline, indicate the presence of pairs that are consistent with the current assembly.


      Red bars, located below the baseline, indicate the presence of pairs that are inconsistent with the current assembly due to relative orientation, distance apart, or both.


      Gold bars, located below baseline, span regions corresponding to paired reads in different contigs whose assembly locations or orientations are inconsistent with Pair Specifier Parameters, even if the contigs were rescaffolded or reordered.


      Pink bars, located below the baseline, represent split reads in the same contig whose locations or orientation are inconsistent with Pair Specifier parameters.


A bar is added to the Pair Consistency graph for every recognized pair of reads, so the deeper the bars, the more pairs there are. Note that SeqMan Pro cannot distinguish whether inconsistent pairs are due to naming errors or assembly errors.