To order contigs and close gaps in a de novo .sqd assembly:

  • SeqMan Pro – Provides a primer walking feature (Contig > Primer Walk) to locate primers that can drive the closure of gaps or to fill in low coverage areas. Results appear in the Alignment view and the Primer Walking report.
  • SeqMan Ultra – Uses a three step process to create an enhanced template that can be used in future SeqMan NGen assemblies.

    1. Order contigs into scaffolds using Contig > Order Contigs or Contig > New Scaffold.

    2. Look for BLAST sequence matches using Search > Search.

    3. Use Contig > Add Sequences to Close Gap to align a sequence match with the existing assembly to close a gap between two contigs.

For step-by-step instructions, watch the video below or see this help topic.

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