Viewing and working with features in a graphical display:

  • SeqMan Pro – Reference or consensus features are displayed by default in the Strategy view and by expanding the arrow next to the reference sequence name in the Alignment view.
  • SeqMan Ultra – Feature “tracks” for the reference, consensus, or individual reads can be displayed or hidden from the Alignment and Strategy views using the Tracks panel.

Viewing and working with features in a tabular display:

  • SeqMan Pro – Open the Features table by selecting a contig in the Project window and choosing Features > Show Feature Table. Table columns can be added or removed by right-clicking on the table and choosing Show/Hide Column. The types of features included in the table are controlled using Feature menu commands. Additional commands from this menu let you add new features or edit existing features.
  • SeqMan Ultra – Open the Features view by selecting a contig in the Explorer panel and choosing View > Features or by using the tool to the right of the Explorer panel.

    From within the Features view, table columns can be added or removed using the “gear” tool in the top right of the view.


    As in SeqMan Pro, the types of features included in the table are controlled using Feature menu commands. Unlike in SeqMan Pro, SeqMan Ultra does not yet support creating or editing features.

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