One or more Feature tracks can be added to the Overview and/or to the Analysis view header or footer. Feature tracks may come from the sequences in an assembly, or can be imported separately using File > Add Track.

For detailed information about applying tracks, see Work with Tracks. These are the Track panel items to check if you want to display one or both Feature tracks:

Features are displayed with the same default color scheme in both GenVision Pro and MegAlign Pro.

To resize the track vertically, use the slider that appears if you hover over the bottom middle of the track data. You can also resize the track and change the amount of white space above/below the track using sliders in the Layout section.

To view a tool tip with details about a region or feature, hover over it with the mouse. Or select one or more features or regions by clicking on them. You can then view information about them in the Details panel.

Inferred features:

An asterisk next to a feature name indicates that the feature was inferred by SeqMan NGen. For example, if you assembled data in SeqMan NGen using a template that contained a CDS feature—without a corresponding gene feature—then "gene" would be inferred at that position, and would be displayed in the Feature track. However, the inferred gene would be marked with an asterisk.

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