If you created an exome or gene panel assembly in SeqMan NGen using a BED file with targeted regions, GenVision Pro lets you display a Region track in the Overview and/or Analysis view. To display the Regions track, check the associated checkboxes in the Tracks panel. There may be multiple feature and/or region tracks available under the “parent” track.

Region tracks show each region as an orange bar. You may have to adjust the horizontal zoom level to make the bars visible.

To find and navigate between regions, do either of the following:

  • Use the Find tool () in the Overview or Analysis view, choose Region from the Find drop-down menu, then use the green arrows to find the next/previous region.
  • Open the Enrichment Report and click on any row to navigate to that region in the Overview and Analysis view.

To view a tool tip with details about a region or feature, hover over it with the mouse. Or select one or more features or regions by clicking on them. You can then view information about them in the Details panel.

Region tracks do not have customizable options. However, you can also add white space above and/or below features tracks using sliders in the Layout section.

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