To delete a primer or PCR product:

  1. Open the Primers or Primer Design view.
  1. Select the corresponding feature and select Features > Delete or Edit > Delete Feature. Or right-click on the feature and choose Delete or Delete Feature from the context menu.
  1. Confirm the deletion as directed in the table below.
Feature type Confirmation dialog
General feature “Are you sure you want to delete the feature…?”

Confirm the deletion by pressing Yes.
Primer that is part of a primer pair “Delete the primer?”

To delete both primers from a pair, not only the selected primer, check Also delete the associated primer. To also delete the PCR product associated with the selected primer, check Also delete the associated product. After checking or unchecking the boxes, press Delete.
PCR product “Delete the PCR product?”

To delete both of the primers associated with the selected PCR product, check Also delete the associated primer pair. After checking or unchecking the box, press Delete.

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