SeqNinja can both read and write to any of the following file formats:

File type Extensions recognized Comments
FASTA single and multi-sequence files .fasta, .fas, .fna, .fap For more information, see NCBI’s Accepted Input Formats page.
GenBank single and multi-sequence files. .genbank, .gb, .gbk, .genpept, .gp In a GenBank multi-sequence file, each sequence is terminated by a double slash sign (//). For more information about GenBank flat file format, see NCBI’s GenBank Flat File page.
SeqNinja set files .star SeqNinja can read, write, and execute set files, which are themselves editable. Sequences can be removed or re-ordered, though re-ordering sequences in large datasets can significantly slow processing time. A union of sets can be created by concatenating two set files.
DNASTAR and Lasergene sequence files .seq, .pro, .mseq Lasergene DNA and protein files have the extensions .seq and .pro, respectively. DNASTAR multiple-sequence DNA files have the extension .mseq, and can be created by SeqMan Ultra.

For a list of file formats supported by this DNASTAR product, please see the Supported File Types page of our website.

Note that many Lasergene applications will import sequences in multiple file formats. Click here for a list of import types by application. If a file type is not listed in your application of choice, you should open it in SeqBuilder Pro and either save it in the Lasergene sequence file format (.seq) or select File > Send Sequence To to open it in the application of your choice.

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