Protean 3D
Understanding the structure of a protein is critical to understanding protein function, but many protein analysis tools miss the crucial connection between analysis of protein structure and biophysical properties of the protein sequence. Protean 3D, the foundation of Lasergene Protein, rises above other protein analysis tools by offering flexible, rich 3D graphical representations of protein structures, incorporated with both sequence and structure analysis, protein stability prediction tools, and unmatched accuracy in predicting highly accurate, full atomic models of protein structures through integration with our Nova applications.

Protean 3D Workflows
*Requires additional purchase of Nova Application predictions.
Please see our resources below for more information on the protein visualization and analysis tools in Protean 3D.
How Can DNASTAR’s Protein Tools Help You?
How to Screen for Protein Hot Spots in Under 5 Minutes
How to perform PCR site-directed mutagenesis using Lasergene’s protein and primer design tools
Precise Predictions of Linear B Cell Epitopes in Protean 3D
Protean 3D Help
Protean 3D Tutorials
Results are second to none
“Protean 3D is innovative. It allows me to answer questions that were not explored previously, and the in-silico accuracy of results are second to none as determined by comparing with in-vitro techniques.”
Which Lasergene package includes Protean 3D?
Protean 3D is included in Lasergene Protein as well as in the complete DNASTAR Lasergene package which includes all of the applications from Lasergene Molecular Biology, Lasergene Protein, and Lasergene Genomics.
Can I search NCBI databases online? Can I search local databases?
GenVision Pro, Protean 3D, SeqMan Ultra, SeqBuilder Pro, and MegAlign Pro all offer the ability to do online sequence similarity searches in NCBI BLAST and text similarity searches in NCBI Entrez.
In addition, all but SeqBuilder Pro offer the ability to create and search local databases. First, use the Local Database Manager to upload local files and/or import sequences from NCBI, with over 30 databases to choose from. The manager can also be used to merge, expand, rename, and/or delete local databases. Local searches can then be done without Internet access and are a great way to ensure data security. In addition, local searches are 5–25x faster than online searches.
Are Nova applications included with Protean 3D?
Each purchase of Lasergene Protein (the package that includes Protean 3D), includes one free prediction for each of our Nova applications: NovaFold, NovaFold Antibody, and NovaDock. Additional predictions may be purchased separately.
What types of protein analysis can I do with Protean 3D?
Lasergene Protein’s Protean 3D application offers comprehensive protein sequence and structure analysis, including epitope prediction, structural alignments, and protein stability predictions.
Lasergene Protein also includes access to Nova Applications, optional add-ons for protein structure prediction, antibody modeling, and protein-protein docking interactions.
What file types are supported for protein analysis in Protean 3D?
Protean 3D supports the following protein sequence file formats: *.aa, *.fap, *.fas, *.fasta, *.gp, *.gbk, *.sbd, and *.pro. Protean 3D also supports protein structure files from the Protein Data Bank (*.pdb, *.ent, *.pdb.gz, *.ent.gz, *.zip, *.txt), as well as structure files created by Protean 3D (*.structure) or one of our Nova Applications (*.novafold, *.antibody, *.novadock).
Compare DNASTAR Lasergene Packages
Lasergene Molecular Biology | Lasergene Genomics | Lasergene Protein | ||
Included Applications | ||||
SeqBuilder Pro | ||||
SeqMan Ultra | ||||
MegAlign Pro | ||||
GeneQuest | ||||
GenVision | ||||
SeqNinja | ||||
SeqMan NGen | ||||
ArrayStar | ||||
GenVision Pro | ||||
Protean 3D (+1 prediction per Nova Application) |
DNASTAR Navigator | ||||
Supported Workflows | ||||
Integrates with | ||||
Pricing Annual pricing starting at: |
$699/year See Pricing |
$1,599/year See Pricing |
$799/year See Pricing |
$2,599/year See Pricing |