To create a new feature:

  1. Within any Document window view that permits range selection, select a range of the sequence. To select a range that wraps the origin, position the cursor at one end of the feature, and then use Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Click to select the other end of the feature.
  1. Create the new feature as follows:
    • To create a new misc_feature using the currently highlighted range of sequence as the first segment, select Features > New Feature or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd+K.

    • To create a new CDS feature using the currently highlighted range of sequence as the first segment, select Features > New Feature with Translation. The new feature will also have a /translation qualifier attached to it. If no sequence is selected, this command is inactive.

The new feature is selected in all views, and appears, by default, in graphical views as a brown box.

  1. (optional) Change the appearance of a feature (e.g., color, rendering style, text placement, etc.) using options in the Style panel.
  1. (optional) For a multi-segment feature, add the next feature segment.

To delete a feature:

right-click or Ctrl+click on the feature and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears. Click Yes to delete the feature.

Deletion is permanent, and thus differs from hiding a feature. However, if you change your mind immediately, you may undo the deletion by selecting Edit > Undo Feature Delete.

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