To join a new segment to an existing feature:

  1. (optional) If an initial feature segment doesn’t exist, create one.
  1. Select a region of a sequence to join to the existing feature.
  1. Select Features > Join to Feature. The Join to Feature dialog appears. This dialog contains a list of all the features in the current sequence.

  1. Select a feature from the list to which you will join the currently selected region. The dialog displays that feature’s segment(s) both before and after joining the highlighted region.
  1. Click OK to join the highlighted region to the selected feature.
  1. In the Features view, the feature name for the multisegment feature will appear in the /dnas_title qualifier field in the following format:

feature name;segment 1+segment 2+segment 3+segment 4…

For example:

To change the name of the entire feature and/or each individual segment name, click in the /dnas_title qualifier field to open the Multisegment Name Editor.

  1. In the Circular view, you may move the feature name entirely outside the circular map, where it may be easier to read. To do this, right-click on the feature and select Detach Feature Label.

The outcome of this procedure is different from simply modifying the length of a feature. The updated feature will include two orange boxes (or other shapes, as set up in the Style panel) when displayed in the Sequence, Linear, or Circular views. One is for the original feature and the other is for the newly joined segment. If the two segments are not adjacent, the default style in the Sequence view is to show them connected by a line.

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